PhD Thesis Defence: Kvantitativ laserdiagnostik av kaliumföreningar i gas-fas vid förbränning och förgasning av biomassa
Research platform: Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
Research platform: Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
This is where Bio4Energy’s researchers and student researchers meet and greet. A line up of internal and external speakers can be expected. Last time in November 2022, the Bio4Energy students presented talks and project posters. Last day of registration is 25 May.
Last-minute request or registration? Contact
Välkomna till workshop om SPIRIT, en innovationsarena kring synkrotronerna ESS och MAX IV. Klicka här för progam, vägbeskrivning och möteslänk.
This is a WoodWorks! workshop in the Assess4EST project, to discuss what factors that will be important to the forest-based industry in future, and in next steps how this will influence the plant breeding and forest management. Access the programme here. To register, click here.
Bioekonomiriksdagen tar avstamp i förändringarna i vår omvärld; inom EU, nationellt och i norra Sverige. Syftet med dagen är att visa upp och diskutera hur den skogliga bioekonomin kan bidra till regional utveckling med norra Sverige som modell och inspiration. Klicka här för anmälan.
This is an event for researchers in Bio4Energy. Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.
Meeting Programme (Please click the link.)
Bio4Energy invites you to register for the 10th Workshop on Cellulose, Regenerated Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives.
Thesis title: Ash transformation in thermochemical conversion of different biomass resources with special focus on phosphorus
Supervisor: Marcus Öhman, Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion
Thesis title: Studies of Ash Transformation Processes in Thermochemical Co-conversion
Supervisor: Marcus Öhman, Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion Technologies
SSFE 2022 calls for the submission of abstracts to,
Acceptance of presentation: 6 October 2022
Registration deadline: 1 November 2022
Umeå University
SE-90187 UMEÅ