Bio4Energy Advisory Board

The role of the Advisory Board is to advise to the Bio4Energy Board and programme managers on issues of relevance to industry and on external relations. The aim is for the Advisory Board to have broad competence and experience. Its members hold positions in relevant industry or at research institutes.

Peter Axegård

Peter Axegård

FineCell, CEO

I spent many years working on process development and processes internal to pulp mills. I have experience in replacement in industry of elemental chlorine with chlorine dioxide; international collaboration; separation of lignin from black liquor (LignoBoost) and; lignin-based products. I also covered separation of hemicellulose from black liquor and techno-economic process evaluation. My knowledge and skill have been put to use by C-Green AB and customers to my consulting firm. Since 2023, I serve as CEO to FineCell where we develop a unique process for the production of nano cellulose (CellOx) via a reaction between oxalic acid and cellulose, followed by mechanical processing. CellOx applications are found in cosmetics, skin care products such thixotropic hydrogel and as a dispersing agent, as well as strong and climate-smart concrete. In Bio4Energy, I hope that my experience can contribute to a successful programme and promote a climate of discussion and exchange of ideas. I also want to follow the development of young researchers.

Charlotte Bengtsson

Charlotte Bengtsson

Skogforsk, CEO

"Leading sustainable development" - that is Skogforsk’s vision! We develop and communicate knowledge, services and products that promote sustainable development in forestry for the benefit of the society. Personally, I have a broad knowledge of applied research in the forestry and forest industry. My commitment is based on the fact that a rapid sustainable transition of the society requires that the forest and its products are used in a smart way. In this, applied research has a critical role to play. This overlaps well with the purpose of Bio4Energy, where I believe that my knowledge of the forest and forestry, and my value chain perspective, can be beneficial.

Erik Dotzauer

Erik Dotzauer

Stockholm Exergi, Policy Expert

Stockholm Exergi is the largest district heating company in Sweden. In combined heat and power plants supplied with biomass residues, electricity and heat are produced. In a near future one of the plants will be complemented with Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) to produce carbon sinks. As a policy expert, my work considers regulations and policy instruments that affect the energy system, such as taxes, emissions trading, building codes and methods for environmental assessment of energy. Bioenergy is an important part of the Swedish energy system, and also of my work. I do like to be involved in the development, to understand what opportunities and challenges there are, and to be able to influence.

Ann-Britt Edfast

Ann-Britt Edfast

Edfast & Wallén konsult, Owner

I have worked for many years with development of the forest industry. During the last ten years, my focus has been on new uses of biomass from the forest, linked to a reduced dependency on fossil resources. Since 2021, I have my own consulting company, where I also work with strategy issues, as well as industrial development. Due to my long experience in forestry and the forest industry, I believe I can contribute to the continued development of the Bio4Energy research environment.

Björn Fredriksson-Möller

Björn Fredriksson-Möller

Öresundskraft AB

Öresundskraft is located in northwest Skåne and provides energy services for the Swedish market, including the sale, production and distribution of electricity, district heating, district cooling, gas and energy services. I started at Öresundskraft Kraft & Värme in 2023 within the area of CCS strategy. Prior to this, I have worked in several areas within renewable energy and new technologies, such as biomass gasification, carbon capture and storage, power-to-gas and bio-methane production. Energy and energy systems have always been my focus and I look forward to rewarding knowledge exchange in the Bio4Energy context.

Anna Karlberg

Anna Karlberg

Stora Enso, VP Forest R&D

Stora Enso is a leading provider of fibre-based packaging, plantation-based pulp, innovation in biomaterials and sustainable building solutions on global markets. Stora Enso‘s vision is to replace fossil-based materials by new products and services based on wood and other renewable materials. We believe that everything that is made with fossil fuels today, can be made from a tree tomorrow. I have a background in plant biotechnology and more than 10 years experience in working in the innovative space connecting academia and industry. The knowledge and competence development in Bio4Energy; concerning bio-based materials, processing, novel products and systems analysis; are well aligned with Stora Enso’s company priorities and future needs. I look forward to continue contributing to the research environment.

Torgny Persson

Torgny Persson

Swedish Forest Industries Federation, Research and Innovation Director

Skogsindustrierna is a member organization that represents the Swedish forest industry. My work is about creating conditions for research and innovation activities for our industry, including research policy on national and EU level. I collaborate closely with both the forest industry companies and researchers, and with Swedish research funders. I hope to contribute to an industrially relevant research focus for Bio4Energy, so that the results can be implemented and contribute to strengthened competitiveness for the Swedish forest industry.

Urban Svensson

Urban Svensson

Perstorp Director Procurement - Commodities, Intermediates & Renewables

Perstorp is a leading innovator in specialty chemicals, serving the global resins and coatings, engineered fluids, and animal nutrition markets. Our chemical products are essential to everyday life, positioning us as key supporters in the sustainable transition of other companies. We utilise bio-based and sustainable materials, not as fuels or energy sources, but as foundational elements for the production of advanced materials and products. I hold global responsibility for one of our two major business units, overseeing procurement, supply chain management, strategic sourcing, and strategic purchasing. Additionally, I am responsible for company-wide sourcing of sustainable and bio-based raw materials.

Linda Werner

Linda Werner

St1, Head of Future Upstream

St1’s vision is to be the leading producer and seller of CO2 conscious energy, and to show leadership in bravely promoting and developing scalable game changing solutions. I started at Shell, which in 2010 became St1 Refinery, over 20 years ago. After a few years at Preem, I am now back at St1, where I started as renewable fuels manager, and where I am now the head of future upstream. Our goal to develop and offer new renewable fuels and modern solutions with lowered climate impact goes hand in hand with a lot of Bio4Energy’s activities, and I believe that my long experience in the refinery industry can contribute with valuable input to the research.

Martin Wimby

Martin Wimby

Valmet Recovery Business Unit, Technology Director

Valmet delivers equipment and plants to the pulp and paper and energy industry sectors, and also develop new technologies and processes to, for example, extract new materials from the black liquor in kraft pulp mills. As Valmet’s globally responsible for recovery technology in the cellulose industry, I believe I can contribute with an industrial perspective on Bio4Energy’s research. I also personally look forward to taking part of Bio4Energy’s high-quality research.