
Overlay to medical dressing made from woody nanofibre networks. Nanofibre base gel in left-bottom corner. Images by courtesy of Linn Berglund. Collage by Anna Strom.

New Stride in Wound Healing Expected, as Researchers Add New Material for Medical Dressings

On the back of successfully introducing sea kelp as a base material…
Trees play a vital role in maintaining the health of our planet and supporting human life in various ways. To use them as an economic resource, we advocate finding ways that will sustain both us and nature. Photo by AnnaStrom ©2024.©AnnaStrom

Bio4Energy 2023: Full Steam Ahead in Education, Research, Forming Collaborations

With the effects of the pandemic largely behind in northern…
Stina Jansson (far right, centre) and team are sampling all post-incineration streams to gauge the presence and level of per- and polyfluorinated substances. Dåva combined heat and power plant at Umeå, Sweden. Photos by Ewa Weidemann, Anna Strom and UMU photographers.Bio4Energy

Pioneering Work to Study ‘Forever’ Chemicals PFAS Targets Wastewater Treatment in Incineration Plants

Backgrounder. Over the last decade, environmental chemists aiming…
Study visit to Bioeconomy Arena, led by Karin Johnson, right. From left, Bio4Energy researchers Jonas Hedlund, Junko Schmidt, Stefan Stagge, Bianca Brandt and Amisha Patel. Photo by Anna Strom.©AnnaStrom

Sweden’s Bioeconomy Arena to Open by Early 2025: Bio4Energy Researchers Stopped by

Bio4Energy took its business to Örnsköldsvik, northeastern…

September Start for Bio4Energy’s Training to Scale up Bio-based Innovations

Bio4Energy’s training on the scale up of bio-based innovations…
In his PhD thesis, researcher Martin Plöhn lays out a scheme for wastewater treatment using microalgae. Photos by Anna Strom and Umea University photographers.

Microalgae that Thrive in Cold Climate Clean Wastewater, Give Biomass for Renewable Plastics

A research report—covering five years of investigations—shows…
Advanced students gathered at Umea, Sweden, for the course Wood Biology and Biotechnology. Photos by Anna Shevtsova and ©AnnaStrom.©AnnaStrom

Training on Wood Biology, Biotechnology Fills Gap for Advanced Students of Biorefinery

Mini FEATURE. Northern Sweden, last week was home to advanced…
Carlos Martín Medina is new Bio4Energy coordinator for the Bio-based Industries' Consortium. Photo by ©AnnaStrom.©AnnaStrom

R&I on Bio Based in EU projects: ‘We Could Be More Proactive’

Bio4Energy’s new coordinator for member organisation Bio-based…
Ulrika Rova, Luleå University of Technology, is new coordinator for Bio4Energy's membership in BioInnovation, Swedish funder. Photo by courtesy of Ulrika Rova.Bio4Energy

Seeing Possibilities: Meet Bio4Energy’s Coordinator for Swedish funder BioInnovation

Bio4Energy’s new coordinator for BioInnovation, Swedish funder…
Senior lecturer and instrumentation expert Fredrik Forsberg, at Luleå University of Technology Geolab in 2022. Photo by courtesy of Fredrik Forsberg.

Bio4Energy Partner LTU Part of ‘Largest Investment in Material Science in Sweden’

A Swedish funder of research in the bio-based sector has announced…


Systems' Perspectives on Biomass Resources, of the Bio4Energy Graduate School on the Innovative Use of Biomass. Class of 2019. Photo by courtesy of Luleå University of Technology.

Course Start: Systems’ Perspectives on Biomass Resources

This is the systems analysis course of the Bio4Energy Graduate…
Profile image for PhD thesis, Techno-Economic Analyses of Energy and Phosphorus Recovery Focusing on Implementation Challenges. Illustration by courtesy of Elisabeth Wetterlund.

Thesis Defence: Techno-Economic Analyses of Energy and Phosphorus Recovery Focusing on Implementation Challenges

Full title of doctoral thesis: Sewage Sludge Treatment Scenarios…
Felix Barbut and Ewa Mellerowicz prepare for thesis defence. Photo by courtesy of Ewa Mellerowicz.

Thesis Defence: Unraveling the role of xylan in the integrity of secondary cell walls

Full title of doctoral thesis: Unraveling the role of xylan…
Bio4Energy researchers in the foreground: Anna, Mikael, Henrik, David and Christoffer. Photo by Anna Strom.©AnnaStrom

Bio4Energy Researchers’ Meeting

Here is where the Bio4Energy researchers meet and greet. Expect…

Safety Training: Ionising Radiation Research

This training hosted by the Multi-purpose Adaptive X-ray Scattering…

Swedish Bioeconomy: Northern Sweden Perspective

Workshop discussions on the Swedish government's Bioeconomy…
Senior lecturer and instrumentation expert Fredrik Forsberg, at Luleå University of Technology Geolab in 2022. Photo by courtesy of Fredrik Forsberg.

3D/4D X-ray Microtomography: Insight into materials critical for “green” transition

This is a seminar in the SciLife Site series to highlight state-of-the-art…
Biorefinery Pilot Research, 2022 Edition. Here at LTU Green Fuels at Piteå, Sweden. Photo by Francesco Gentili.

Course Start Biorefinery Pilot Research, Bio4Energy Graduate School

Bio4Energy's flagship training on location in industry that…
Bio4Energy Advisory Board and scientific researchers, meeting in May 2023 at the premises of Stockholm Exergy, Sweden. Photo used with permission.

Bio4Energy Advisory Board Meeting

On site event at RISE Bioeconomy Arena, Sweden’s new development…