Tag Archive for: Luleå University of Technology

New Bio+ Projects to Bio4Energy Researchers

Bio+ is a research and innovation program funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, with the aim to develop bio-based solutions and value chains as well as increase knowledge and competence about how these should interact with each other and with other energy systems.

Three new projects recently granted funding within the program are lead by Bio4Energy researchers::

  • Online optimization of biomass high-temperature energy conversion processes
    Alexey Sepman, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden – Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion.

    The project aims to develop and apply new software that integrates diagnostic sensors based on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, direct imaging techniques, and machine learning. The software will provide online real-time data on conversion efficiency, biomass moisture content, fuel feeding variation, and emissions in Swedish bio-based pilot and full-scale plants. The data will be used to perform feedback control and propose optimized operating practices for these plants. The expected outcome is the improvement of process efficiency and flexibility, reduction of pollutant emissions, along with increased digitalization in industry.
  • Policies for a long-term and sustainable raw material supply of forest biomass
    Robert Lundmark, Luleå University of Technology – Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy.

    The project analyzes consequences of complex interaction between changes in different variables on forest-based raw material supply, and develops new and innovative methods to be able to provide holistic and comprehensive insights for a long-term and sustainable supply of raw materials. Time-dynamic and spatial development are presented in scenario descriptions and analyzed from a social science perspective, something that is missing today.
  • Upgrading of biobased pyrolysis oil in existing refinery infrastructure
    Linda Sandström, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden – Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion.

    This project will investigate and further develop a concept called derivatization, where pyrolysis oil is reacted with a renewable oil, such as tall oil, and thereby forms a more stable product. The derivatized product is miscible with fossil oil and can be co-refined with these. The derivatization concept will be investigated experimentally and technoeconomically and a suggested industrial process for the concept will be developed.

Season’s Greetings from Bio4Energy

As the season draws to a close, Bio4Energy wants to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This will be the last news post from Bio4Energy, from this publisher. Communications Anna Strom is leaving Bio4Energy at the end of 2024, but plans to be available by e-mail until the last week of January 2025. Please click the link below, to contact her.

Greatest thanks for this time to our researchers, collaboration partners, stakeholders, friends and colleagues. 

With best regards,

Anna Strom

Bio4Energy Contact
Anna Strom, Bio4Energy Communications

Participants of the Nature Refines project on their way from Sweden to Finland, both of which Scandinavian countries are represented. Photos by courtesy of Francesco Gentili and Sarah Conrad.

Water Filtration, Electrodes Expected from EU Project on Smart Use of Biomass Residue

Bio4Energy researchers and partners are laying the groundwork for making water filters and electrodes for energy storage devices, from residual biomass materials that are in excess.

The main product used in this project is activated carbon and the technology used for the transformation of biomass into biochar is pyrolysis. Biochar is a brittle and porous carbon-rich product with coal-like qualities, which is being studied and used in water purification and soil remediation.

The main product used in this project is activated carbon and the technology used for the transformation of biomass into biochar is pyrolysis.

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical technology, in which a biomass starting material is exposed to very high temperatures inside a closed reactor void of oxygen or almost. The idea is to arrive at a dry and porous product through thermal and chemical alteration; but without burning the biomass to ashes.

Drawing on funding from the European Union, via its Interreg Aurora programme—allowing EU and associate nations to come together in regional constellations to tackle issues jointly in areas such as environment, health, research and education or energy—Alejandro Grimm and Francesco Gentili are heading up a multi-stakeholder project.

Wider aim of reusing residual biomass materials that are in excess

While the aim is to make product prototypes for bio-based water filtration devices and electrodes, the project has a wider scope of investigating and finding environmentally sound uses for residual streams of biomass from the forestry industry, agriculture, biogas making and aquaculture. The latter part targets aquatic biomass such as macroalgae from the Baltic sea and microalgae used in the treatment of municipal sewage water.

“The idea is to use residues from forestry, the pulp and paper industry or aquaculture to use pyrolysis to purify water and to produce supercapacitors to create various applications”, according Gentili, researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electric charge. The term supercapacitor signifies a capacitor that has superior power density.

“The idea is to use residues from forestry, the pulp and paper industry or aquaculture to use pyrolysis to purify water and to produce supercapacitors to create various applications”.

In certain cases, the recycling and reuse of biomass materials are performed in multiple stages. In one work package, the researchers have teamed up with regional utilities and a business operator; first to make biochar from biomass residues and manure and then adding the biochar in the retting mixture underpinning biogas production, thereby adding a needed source of carbon.

Bio-based graphite is a target product

In others, the aim is to identify suitable biomass residues for making alternatives to petrochemically-based product applications. One such example would be graphite, which is high in demand not least because of its use in smartphone batteries. Graphite is a soft, dark grey form of carbon; also used in pencils, machines and nuclear reactors.

“We are designing bio-based graphite that resembles the fossil [kind] but the synthesis process is environmentally friendly and the final product functions in just the same way as fossil one”, said Grimm, SLU researcher who leads a Nature Refines project within the larger Interreg Aurora scheme.

While there are various timelines for the latter, the Nature Refines project runs until autumn 2026. By then, the pair expects to have a prototype of a water filtration device to show that can wean wastewater of heavy metals using microalgae from Gentili’s algae development site at regional energy utility Umeå Energi.

“We can offer a filter of higher quality than those imported from China”, Grimm said, referring to water filtration products currently available in do-it-yourself hardware stores in Sweden.

“The idea is to make sure that we use residues that are qualitative and fit for purpose”, Gentili added.

Activated carbon (AC), also known as activated charcoal, is a rough, imperfectly structured kind of graphite. It has a wide spectrum of pores of varying sizes, from obvious fractures and fissures to molecular dimensions. Because of its significant surface area, AC is frequently used for a variety of purposes, including removing impurities from air and water. Small, low-volume pores that are present in AC enhance the surface area that is accessible for chemical reactions such as adsorption (which is different from absorption). Quoted source: Royal Society of Chemistry.

Project page: Nature Refines – Interreg Aurora

Project coordinator: Alejandro Grimm, Bio4Energy Feedstock Pre-processing – Affiliation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Project outreach: Francesco Gentili, Bio4Energy Environment and Nutrient Recycling – Affiliation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Collaboration partners

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, BioFuel Region, NOVIA University of Applied Sciences, Luleå University of Technology

Domsjö Fabriker, Envigas, RagnSells, SCA, Stormossen, Vakin

Natures Refines logotype.

Related Strategic Projects — Bio4Energy

  • Doped biochar materials for bio-based batteries – in situ characterisation and understanding of structural versus electrochemical properties, BioBat
  • Bio2Char — Pre-feasibility study of new residual streams as feedstock for production of biochar for industrial applications
  • Design of biochar from residual streams — influence of fuel and process parameters on biochar properties for water and soil applications
  • Electrochemical pyrolysis of spruce needles
  • Activated and non-activated biochars and hydrochars from forestry-related waste streams for removal of environmental contaminants from sediments
  • Investigating the electrochemical functionality of Norway spruce bark biochar and polymer composites
  • Increasing the use of renewable energy carriers in Swedish mineral processing industries

Related news

Creation of Value Chains for Biochar as Alternative to Fossil Fuels in Industrial Processes in New Project – Bio4Energy

Microalgae that Thrive in Cold Climate Clean Wastewater, Give Biomass for Renewable Plastics – Bio4Energy

Bio4Energy Partner LTU Part of ‘Largest Investment in Material Science in Sweden’ – Bio4Energy

Bio4Energy is Delivering Methods, Tools to Industry as Promised – Bio4Energy

New leader for Feedstock Pre-processing Eyes Critical Raw Materials as New Direction for Research – Bio4Energy

Innovation Award for R&D on Biogas Separation Technology to Bio4Energy Researcher – Bio4Energy

Phase Out of Fossil Coal in Sweden’s Iron, Steel Industries on Cards – Bio4Energy

Linn Berglund and Kristiina Oksman share a smile in the hydrogel development laboratory, with kelp on display. Photo by courtesy of Kristiina Oksman.

Innovator of Year Award to Bio4Energy Nanotechnology Experts

Bio4Energy experts at nanotechnology have been selected to receive an ‘Innovator of the Year’ award by their home organisation Luleå University of Technology, Sweden for their continued efforts to develop bio-based solutions for industry. The award motivation highlights the creation of medical and health care applications as a particularly successful avenue.

LTU pro vice-chancellor Charlotte Winberg will be handing over the award at the university’s Innovation Day 5 November.

“We are very happy about the award and will focus even more on innovations so that our research can benefit society”, researches Kristina Oksman and Linn Berglund wrote in a press release from LTU.

The pair has successfully developed hydrogels from kelp seaweed that are being commercialised. Moreover, a smart dressing for wound healing, made by turning woody residue into nanofibre networks that take the form of a transparent gel—complemented by an equally transparent film overlay—is in preclinical testing.

The pair has successfully developed hydrogels from kelp seaweed that is being commercialised.

Moreover, a smart dressing for wound healing, made by turning woody residue into nanofibre networks that take the form of a transparent gel—complemented by an equally transparent film overlay—is in preclinical testing.

“What makes our innovations unique [are the fact] that they combine sustainability with versatility and functionality. We can tailor the biomaterials for different applications, making them useful in a variety of industries, from medicine to packaging”, associate professor Berglund said.

Last year, professor Oksman and Berglund made the 100 List hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences for the invention of a sturdy composite material made from scrap textiles and plastic waste.

The List is published annually to indicate research innovations created at Swedish universities that could provide an economic and societal benefit, were they to be adopted by industry and commercialised.

Award motivation

“Oksman and Berglund’s work has great potential to contribute to societal benefits, particularly by reducing healthcare costs while also creating environmentally friendly alternatives for industry”, the press release said;

“Their bio-based solutions are not only energy-efficient to produce but can also replace oil-based materials, thereby reducing the use of fossil fuels and harmful chemicals”.

Recently, their Bionanocomposites’ research group has made bio-based films from woody residue after use as an underlying substance or layer for growing exotic mushrooms for human consumption. The mushrooms feed off this substrate layer to grow and break up the polymers of the wood during the while.

Recently, their Bionanocomposites’ research group has also made bio-based films from woody residue after use as an underlying substance or layer for growing exotic mushrooms for human consumption, in collaboration with Shaojun Xiong and colleagues at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The mushrooms feed off this substrate layer to grow and break up the polymers of the wood during the while. This means that the researchers do not have to use chemicals to achieve their aim of breaking down the polymer lignin—the glue that binds together the main wood polymers cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin—since the mushroom carries out this service.

As part of the Bio4Energy research environment, Oksman and Berglund have gone from success to success. While Oksman was one of Bio4Energy’s founding research leaders, Berglund came in later as her student; rose through the ranks and never left since.

“Bio4Energy has been great for our research. We have had the freedom to invent new things. I do not think we could have done this without Bio4Energy”, Oksman told Bio4Energy Communications.


Linn Berglund – Bio4Energy Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion, affiliation with Luleå University of Technology

Kristiina Oksman – Bio4Energy Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion, affiliation with Luleå University of Technology

Related projects

Sustainable packaging materials from renewable raw materials sources – Bio4Energy

Revitalising forest waste into microalgal and bacterial cellulose membranes with tailored properties for sustainable food packaging, Green Tech – Bio4Energy

Relation of wood structure and chemistry to nanocellulose extraction and properties – Bio4Energy

Development of energy-efficient processing technology of wood biomass into nanofibres and biocomposites through the use of fungal pre-treated substrates, accessing the sustainability goals – Bio4Energy

Investigating the electrochemical functionality of Norway spruce bark biochar and polymer composites – Bio4Energy

Utilising the natural composition of industrial bio-based residues for efficient separation of functional nanofibers – Bio4Energy

Related news

New Stride in Wound Healing Expected, as Researchers Add New Material for Medical Dressings – Bio4Energy

Breakthrough Innovation: Hydrogels from Norwegian Kelp to Be Commercialised – Bio4Energy

Inventions by Bio4Energy Researchers Highlighted by Royal Academy for Future Potential – Bio4Energy

Coke-oven coke. Tour of car maker Volvo's GTO Foundry at Skövde, Sweden in insert. Photos by courtesy of David Agar.

Creation of Value Chains for Biochar as Alternative to Fossil Fuels in Industry in New Project

A grouping of Bio4Energy experts on systems analysis have won a large grant to map out new value chains for the production of biochar, a type of charcoal, for use in industry or as a carbon sink.

Biocarbon – with the application biochar, which is a form of biomass pre-treated in high temperatures and in a limited-oxygen environment – is being extensively investigated as an alternative to fossil coal in industrial processes, such as in the iron and steel industry.

However, with each major new replacement product comes the need to ascertain that it is sustainable in terms of economics, as well as social and environmental impacts; and that it can form or fit into the context it is in.

In the new project, PhD students will work together to map out a comprehensive scheme for value chains from raw material supply to industrial markets for this renewable technology.

In the new project, three new PhD students will work together to map out a comprehensive scheme for value chains from raw material supply to industrial markets for this renewable technology. They will perform their work from the Bio4Energy partner universities Luleå University of Technology and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), both located in northern Sweden.

The project is part of a national Graduate School in Energy Systems, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and coordinated by Linköping University (LiU), Sweden.

In addition to new value chains for production, the project will deliver policy recommendations and create a pool of in depth knowledge about markets, tools for policy-making and technology.

In addition to new value chains for production, the project will deliver policy recommendations and create a pool of in depth knowledge about markets, tools for policy-making and technology.

“We are going to develop knowledge about raw material sources for biocarbon and inventory flows of biomass in Sweden”, said David Agar, senior lecturer at SLU.

“We will look at surplus sources in pulp and paper and saw dust, forestry residues…. It doesn’t mean that we have to stick only with the big industries. We could look at recycled products or waste”, Agar said.

When it came to the potential of biocarbon and biochar as an alternative technology to fossil fuels, Agar said that the project would map both potentials and limitations.

“You cannot expect to have exactly the same process. You have to have something to compensate for the high carbon content of fossil fuels. You have to have a very pure carbon source, with good heating properties”, he added.

Carbon source still needed despite electrification

While it is true that there is a sweeping electrification underway, there are still industrial processes that require either a fossil or alternative source of fuel or gas.

”In fossil fuel-free steel production the plan is to use electricity both in the process of direct reduction and in the electric arc furnace”, according to project leader Elisabeth Wetterlund, Luleå University of Technology (LTU).

Direct reduction is the removal of oxygen from iron ore or other iron bearing materials in the solid state, while an electric arc furnace is a type of furnace used in steelmaking to melt and refine steel scrap or other raw materials, transforming them into molten steel.

Professor Wetterlund explained that while both of these processes are powered by renewable electricity, the addition of a fossil or renewable carbon source is still required to complement the hydrogen that is used for the reduction.

“Despite the electrification we still need carbon to produce the kind of steel we want and create appropriate conditions inside the electric arc furnace. This is where biochar comes in, as a replacement for coal and coke-oven coke”, she wrote in reply to questions.


Elisabeth Wetterlund – Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, Affiliation with LTU

David Agar – Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, Affiliation with SLU

Dan Bergström – Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, Affiliation with SLU

Robert Lundmark – Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, Affiliation with LTU

Related projects

Nitrogen in biochars from biomass residual streams – forms, fate and plant availability in soils – Bio4Energy

Bio2Char – Pre-feasibility study of new residual streams as feedstock for production of biochar for industrial applications – Bio4Energy

Doped biochar materials for bio-based batteries – in-situ characterisation and understanding of structural versus electrochemical properties, BioBat – Bio4Energy

Design of biochar from residual streams – influence of fuel and process parameters on biochar properties for water and soil applications – Bio4Energy

Paving the road for introducing renewable energy carriers in large industries – Bio4Energy

Improvement of LCA and economic methodology for upscaling biofuel and bio material production – Bio4Energy

Activated and non-activated biochars and hydrochars from forestry-related waste streams for removal of environmental contaminants from sediments – Bio4Energy

Increasing the use of renewable energy carriers in Swedish mineral processing industries – Bio4Energy

Related news

Three-year Project Could Set Steelmaker Well on Way to Hydrogen-based Operations – Bio4Energy

Phase Out of Fossil Coal in Sweden’s Iron, Steel Industries on Cards – Bio4Energy

Role of Forests in Reining in Climate Change, Producing Energy – Bio4Energy

Systems’ Perspective Needed in Societal Transition Research: Course Start

The application is open to Bio4Energy’s generic course Systems’ Perspectives on Biomass Resources. It is a training about systems analysis of bio-based technologies, processes and systems.

“You learn to develop a holistic perspective; to see the big picture. This is important for all researchers and not only when it comes to bioenergy, although this is the topic of this course”, said Elisabeth Wetterlund, professor at Luleå University of Technology (LTU), who is new course coordinator.

“You learn to develop a holistic perspective; to see the big picture. This is important for all researchers and not only when it comes to bioenergy, although this is the topic of this course”.

“It is both about learning to apply a systems’ perspective… and learning to put one’s own research into a wider context. This is particularly important when the research is about technology, phenomena or processes related to [societal] transition”, Wetterlund wrote in an e-mail reply to Communications.

Given that Wetterlund is also deputy manager of the research programme part of Bio4Energy, she should know.

Unique benefit that went from shut shop to open

The Systems’ Perspectives training is part of the Bio4Energy Graduate School on the Innovative Use of Biomass. At the beginnings of the research environment, the Graduate School was reserved for its own advanced student – PhDs and postdoctoral fellows.

In 2014, however, the Bio4Enery Board took the decision to open it to advanced students in Sweden and to interested professionals in the biorefinery and bioenergy sector. The reasoning behind it was basically that some things are too precious not to be shared.

“Bio4Energy has a national mission to contribute technology to produce liquid fuels… This is a strategic decision. We will embrace the rest of the country in a first step that is national. In a second step we should strive to build an international graduate school”, LTU vice-chancellor at the time, Johan Sterte, commented.

And so it was. With a growing membership and Bio4Energy establishing itself as a leading research environment—making methods and tools for developing advanced biofuels, “green” chemicals and smart bio-based materials—the decision was made to open the door to advanced students everywhere, so long as they were affiliated with an accredited institution of higher learning.

“You are in a context and together with others who do similar things as yourself; in this case bioenergy, biorefinery and the like… which gives a cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspective”.

First week of course is on location in northern Sweden

The first week and last day of course will be on location at Luleå in northern Sweden; 11-15 November and 11 March, respectively.

In between those dates, students will need to put time aside for distance learning in the form of online lectures and project work. Wetterlund, for her part, will be assisted in her coordinatorship by a very seasoned systems analysis expert, LTU professor Joakim Lundgren.

The two have taken turns with Robert Lundmark, economics professor at LTU, to teach and lead the course.

“You are in a context and together with others who do similar things as yourself; in this case bioenergy, biorefinery and the like… which gives a cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspective”, Wetterlund said.


Elisabeth Wetterlund and Joakim Lundgren — Course coordinator Systems’ Perspectives on Biomass Resources

Dimitris Athanassiadis — Coordinator of the Bio4Energy Graduate School

For more information

Course Start: Systems’ Perspectives on Biomass Resources – Bio4Energy

Info Sheet: Systems’ Perspectives on Biomass Resources

Bio4Energy Graduate School – Bio4Energy

Related News

Bio4Energy Graduate School: Development of Biorefinery Innovations Up Next – Bio4Energy

Overlay to medical dressing made from woody nanofibre networks. Nanofibre base gel in left-bottom corner. Images by courtesy of Linn Berglund. Collage by Anna Strom.

New Stride in Wound Healing Expected, as Researchers Add New Material for Medical Dressings

On the back of successfully introducing sea kelp as a base material for hydrogels used in wound healing—and selling the rights to Norwegian firm Alginor ASA—Bio4Energy researchers are back with a deep-dive into making medical dressings for complex or chronic wounds. This time, the base material will be made from woody residues from trees.

Linn Berglund of Luleå University of Technology received a grant from national trade union Swedish Forest Industries, official voice of the sector, to place woody residues as the base material of choice in the treatment of wounds that require a certain level moisture to heal, but need to be rid of excess liquid formed at various stages of the healing process.

Based on a series of pre-studies, she will be using nanotechnology to make networks of wood fibres that hold just the right amount of moisture at the base of the dressing, which will have a transparent overlay.

“We are moving one step closer to the perfect wound dressing. We already have promising results with dressings that take up a lot of excess liquid in moist environments”.

“We are moving one step closer [to the perfect wound dressing]. We already have promising results with dressings that take up a lot of excess liquid in moist environments”, according to Berglund, researcher and long-standing member of Bio4Energy’s team of experts at nanotechnology.

“When it comes to burns for example, the liquid should be transported away, not closed in”, she added.

The efficacy of the nanofibre network, together with the transparent top part, should allow for the healing to be monitored without the need for frequent changes of the dressing.

“The transparency of the material creates unique possibilities”, Berglund told Bio4Energy Communications.

The project will run at least until the end of next year. By that time, the researchers expect to know more about the way in which the dressing materials react at various degrees of swelling due to liquid retention. We are talking about characterisation down to nano scale.

“We are going to use atomic force microscopy [coupled with] trials enabled by new equipment for rheology measurements”.

Atomic Force Microscopy is a very-high-resolution type of scanning probe technique, with resolutions in the order of fractions of a nanometre, according to Wikipedia. 

Other legs of the set up include life cycle assessment studies to check the environmental impacts; not only of the wound dressing at the end of life, but also of the production. Moreover expensive chemicals are used in the production. The researchers are going to look for ways to reduce the chemical input while obtaining similar results.

The grant is part of a Young Researchers Award, awarded in spring of this year, with funding from a Gunnar Sundblad Foundation.

For more information

Young Researchers Award (Page in Swedish)

Swedish Forest Industries


Linn Berglund, Bio4Energy Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion Technologies

Related News

Breakthrough Innovation: Hydrogels from Norwegian Kelp to Be Commercialised – Bio4Energy

Related projects

Relation of wood structure and chemistry to nanocellulose extraction and properties – Bio4Energy

Utilising the natural composition of industrial bio-based residues for efficient separation of functional nanofibers – Bio4Energy

September Start for Bio4Energy’s Training to Scale up Bio-based Innovations

Bio4Energy’s training on the scale up of bio-based innovations is starting again in September. The application is open as of today.

The backdrop is substantial new investments in test beds and development facilities in the region of northern Sweden where the research environment is based.

“We will go onsite visiting not only pilot [installations] of different types, but whole factories in our network of actors based along the coast at Örnsköldsvik, Piteå and Umeå.

“We will see this great variation and speak to the developers themselves”, said course coordinator Francesco Gentili.

“We will go onsite visiting not only pilot installations of different types, but whole factories in our network of actors based along the coast at Örnsköldsvik, Piteå and Umeå. We will see this great variation and speak to the developers themselves”.

He is not only an associate professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, but also the man behind facilities for microalgae research and development run in collaboration with regional energy utility Umeå Energi.

Biorefinery Pilot Research, as the course is called, is the flagship of the Bio4Energy Graduate School on the Innovative Use of Biomass.

Bio4Energy draws together the regions foremost universities and institutes dealing with the development of methods and tools for conducting biorefinery based on woody residues and industrial organic waste. As such, it is on a mission to provide education and training to help provide the sector with knowledge workers of tomorrow’s bioeconomy and advanced students with top-of-the-line education.

The course is offered as a mixture of intensive days of onsite visits—starting 2-4 September at Piteå—with time in between where students work to develop their own projects. They do this either by implementing an aspect of upscaling in their own PhD project or; if they are postdoctoral fellows established as researchers; they may create something new.

“We speak to and learn from capable fundamental researchers, all the way up to industrialists”.

“We speak to [and learn from] capable fundamental researchers, all the way up to industrialists”, Gentili told Bio4Energy Communications.

The group goes on study visits to well-known companies in the sector such as SunPine and the large pilot LTU Green Fuels at Piteå, as well as their institute partner in Bio4Energy, RISE Energy Technology Center.

Further south, at Örnsköldsvik, key contacts in the Bio4Energy Industrial Network will show them the new RISE Bioeconomy Arena, Domsjö Fabriker, SEKAB and RISE Processum. At Umeå, finally, Gentili will showcase the algae pilot and include a tour of Arevo, which has gone from being a Bio4Energy researcher upstart to a full-grown company offering a new kind of plant nutrition product that does not create toxic leakage, while being highly efficient.

“We stay, eat and study together and it creates the opportunity for networking”, Gentili said, adding a reflection on the bigger picture;

“It creates job opportunities. We train people to know the infrastructure and strengthen the collaboration in our region”.


Francesco Gentili — Course coordinator Biorefinery Pilot Research

Dimitris Athanassiadis — Coordinator for the Bio4Energy Graduate School

Bio4Energy Graduate School

Biorefinery Pilot Research, 5 ECTS

Course Brochure and Application

Related News

Bio4Energy Graduate School: Development of Biorefinery Innovations Up Next

New Coordinator for Graduate School: Course Starts in 2024

Spin-off Wins Prize for ‘Great Potential’ of Plant Nutrition Products with Minimal Footprint

RISE to Invest SEK350 Million in Its Biorefinery Test Bed Environments

Training on Wood Biology, Biotechnology Fills Gap for Advanced Students of Biorefinery

Mini FEATURE. Northern Sweden, last week was home to advanced students affiliated with universities in Finland, Czech Republic, Belgium and Sweden—spending an intensive week at the city of Umeå—to learn about the frontline of science of wood biology and biotechnology.

Hosted by a leading wood biologists, Ewa Mellerowicz of the Umeå Plant Science Centre and Bio4Energy, this ad-hoc training is offered for the second time to equip advanced students interested in wood biology, tree breeding and biorefinery development with an edge.

“This course fills a gap and provides an overview of biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance”, the online course description says:

“Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field”. 

“This course fills a gap and provides an overview of biological processes, explaining how they lead to developing different kinds of wood, and how they affect wood traits of economic importance. Lectures and seminars are given by world experts in the field”.

When I stop by, the students are in full swing presenting posters to each other, a common feature both in advanced education and at scientific conferences.

“It is going great”, Hannele Tuominen, professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and platform leader in Bio4Energy, greets me.

“We have 20 students and here they learn to attack the issues we are discussing from every angle. We have a lineup of experts here to teach them [on location]. This is our strength”, Tuominen says.

“Most students have a molecular biology or wood chemistry background”, Mellerowicz fills in. She also has an affiliation with the Umeå branch of SLU. She agrees with a smile that it is great but exhausting;

“The students are here all week with a full programme in the daytime and then social activities in the evening”.

Most of them are much too busy liaising with each other to talk to me, but Bio4Energy student Anna Renström of Umeå University, is here just for the evening poster session.

“We have a new publication on wood formation in hybrid aspen that lets us know more about the lignin formation. Now we need to apply [the concept] to other species such as spruce and we need to conduct field trials to understand whether it really works”, she says expertly.

Renström is being supervised by Tuominen and others who are part of the teaching line up and I think to myself that it shows.


Ewa Mellerowicz, Umeå Plant Science Centre — Affiliation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

For more information

Wood Biology and Biotechnology, 5 ECTS

Bio4Energy Forest-based Feedstocks

Umeå Plant Science Centre

Seeing Possibilities: Meet Bio4Energy’s Coordinator for Swedish funder BioInnovation

Bio4Energy’s new coordinator for BioInnovation, Swedish funder of bio-based innovations, is Ulrika Rova, professor at Luleå University of Technology.

Rova sees herself not only as the research environment’s representative with an overview of possibilities for applying for funds, but also as a facilitator and a bearer of information to potential collaboration partners representing other organisations in the bio-based sector.

“I need first to study the offer and future calls for projects, but then I can be a channel for information going both ways”, Rova told Bio4Energy Communications.

Structured as a member organisation, BioInnovation evaluates and funds a range of projects on behalf of the Swedish national funding agencies Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. Bio4Energy is a founding member, or a “party”, and involved in its divisions on Materials, as well as Chemicals and Energy.

Structured as a member organisation, BioInnovation evaluates and funds a range of projects on behalf of the Swedish national funding agencies Vinnova, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. Bio4Energy is a founding member, or a “party”, and involved in its divisions on Materials, as well as Chemicals and Energy.

“Our vision is that Sweden will have transitioned to a circular economy by 2050. We are going to create optimal conditions for developing the Swedish bio-based sector and create sustainable solutions for a global market”, the Swedish version of BioInnovation’s website said (ed’s translation).

Two projects headed up by Bio4Energy research leaders stand out: Joint production of edible mushroom and advanced biofuel, as well as production of food-grade prebiotics from forest resources and sea squirts, a colonial tunicate.

The latter is a small sea-living invertebrate that has an outer protective cover; a tunic consisting of a cellulose-like substance; which is the target for developing prebiotics for human and animal consumption.

Rova led the prebiotics project. Given that Bio4Energy is a member since 2015, I want to know what might promote a more high-profile participation in BioInnovation-funded projects.

“The requirement of 50 per cent co-funding by proprietary users, that is an industrial partner, could be perceived as a challenge. As an [academic] researcher, you need to have a good contact network in industry”, Rova said.

“I will be participating the annual and biannual meetings and provide an overview of possibilities going both ways”, she said.

Professor Ulrika Rova is a veteran member of Bio4Energy. She served as deputy director of the research environment during its second five-year mandate, ending in 2019. Instrumental in developing education and training, she was the first head of the Bio4Energy Graduate School. She is a senior member of one of Bio4Energy’s research platforms, Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion. Her home organisation is Luleå University of Technology where she is part of a Paul Christakopoulos' research group specialising in biochemical process technology. In later years, the group has been focusing on carbon dioxide capture and reuse, as well as bioprocesses for upcycling of plastics and managing EU projects.


Ulrika Rova, Bio4Energy Coordinator for BioInnovation — Affiliation with Luleå University of Technology

For more information


Bio4Energy Biopolymers and Biochemical Conversion Technologies

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