Tag Archive for: Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy

Economics professor Robert Lundmark says that all three aspects of sustainable development should be taken together when assessing the role of forest in climate change perspective. Photo by courtesy of Robert Lundmark.

Role of Forests in Reining in Climate Change, Producing Energy

When it comes to the role of the forest in a perspective of climate change mitigation and energy production, a full picture including all aspects impacting their use and benefits is required to start to making sense of the “undeniably complex” discussion taking place in the media and politics.

All aspects of the forest as an economic resource, a provider of recreational value and its capacity for carbon sequestration should be considered, according to an academic expert on the matter.

Professor in Economics Robert Lundmark, Luleå University of Technology, tries to do just that, in a new report from independent nonprofit organisation Centre for Business and Policy Studies (SNS), headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden but with a 30-country-strong membership, according to its website.

Centering on the case of Sweden, with its history of forestry and timber exports, Lundmark starts by discussing the economically profit-bearing aspects of forestry. Timber and renewable energy production both bring revenue to an important business sector and prop up the Swedish economy.

He goes onto billing production of bio-based (or “green”) chemicals as having a beneficial social impact; along with forests or forested areas set aside for recreation or tourism activities.

Biodiversity and its protection and the forest’s capacity to act as a carbon sink, are among environmental considerations, he holds.

All these aspects should be included in a total analysis, according to Lundmark; for any estimates of appropriate trade-offs between the different areas to make sense.

“This is existing knowledge put in a different perspective… It is a balancing act to arrive at an optimal utilisation of forests. We need to consider all societal values or we can easily go wrong”.

Role of science, politics, markets

He stresses, however, that the role of science is to provide assessments and that of politics to correct missteps due to market “failure”.

“A functioning market guarantees an efficient allocation of forest resources. That is how it works in the trading of goods and services. The role of politicians is to correct market failures, for instance in cases where forest owners are not paid for preserving all benefits of the forest. That is why we highlight the discussion about internalising the cost of goods and services”.

A quick check of the Oxford Languages gives that to internalise in an economic sense, means to incorporate costs as part of a pricing structure, especially social costs resulting from the manufacture and use of a product.

Forests as a carbon sink

The assessments that scientists do are still important, because any attempts at cutting greenhouse gases must be cost efficient, according to Lundmark.

“We see that compensation would be required for change to be made on a large scale. Today forest owners are not compensated for leaving the trees in the forest” to promote longer rotation periods.

He says that the starting point is to recognise that forests and their trees are a finite resource and one that becomes more and more in demand along with economic growth.

“It is undeniably a complex debate with many dimensions to account for: Forest management, ecology, social and economic aspects and technical aspects. All of them must come into consideration when we estimate benefits and trade-offs”, Lundmark said.


Robert Lundmark — Affiliation with Luleå University of Technology

Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy

Expert Report

The Role of Forests in the Energy and Climate Transition, Summary in English

Three-year Project Could Set Steelmaker Well on Way to Hydrogen-based Operations

Industry and academia are teaming up to enable a phase out of fossil fuels in Sweden-based steelmaking industry. Steelmaker SSAB will be collaborating with Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and the metal industry’s research institute Swerim.

After many years of preparatory work, and a multitude of projects, nearly SEK50 million (€4.1 million) will be invested over three years by the European Union and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, according to a press release from LTU. The feasibility of using biogenic carbon sources in hydrogen production is already being demonstrated in studies by Bio4Energy scientists and others.

However, the present project could give the industry a decisive push in laying bare an efficient and economically viable path ahead for transitioning from fossil coal to “green” hydrogen, using biocarbon.

“We [want to arrive at] the best way possible to implement biomass into the flow of steelmaking… We have to make an optimal overall process: An optimised value chain as a whole”, said Kentaro Umeki, professor at LTU Energy Technology.

Four Bio4Energy research leaders are involved. Umeki and Fredrik Granberg are experts at thermochemical conversion of biomass, while Joakim Lundgren and Andrea Toffolo will be collaborating with others to assess biomass availability and possibly also where best to localise facilities geographically for its pre-treatment.

“The industry wants to scale up. This is a push from them. They have several years to build a full-scale plant. They are discussing with engineers” about the way in which to go about it, Umeki said.

The overall project is called FINAST, which is the Swedish acronym for Research and Innovation in Norrbotten for Advanced Green Steel Production and Manufacture. It is headed up by professor Jens Hardell at LTU Machine Elements.

“I think that the FINAST project is a fantastic example of Bio4Energy and CH2ESS joining forces”, said professor Lundgren; with reference to LTU’s Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden. It has the aim to integrate production, storage and transport of hydrogen in an optimal way and includes process integration in relation to the electrical power system. 


Kentaro Umeki, Bio4Energy Thermochemical Conversion, affiliation with Luleå University of Technology

Joakim Lundgren, Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, affiliation with Luleå University of Technology