Tag Archive for: Bio4Energy Research Environment

Summer Greetings from Bio4Energy

It is the time of the year when we allow ourselves to take a break, to come back in autumn with sunshine and blue skies behind our eyelids; ready to tackle a new semester of making tools and methods for producing biofuels, “green” chemicals and bio-based materials.

Before we go, we want to wish you all the best. Thank you for following us. We hope to continue the cooperation or collaboration with you from September.

Would you be interested in receiving our news? Sign up for the Bio4Energy Newsletter, in the right-hand column of this page.

Current issues as follows: In English, Biocarbon to Replace Fossil Coal in Sweden’s Iron, Steel Industries & Reuse of Waste (mailchi.mp) and in Swedish, Biokol kan ersätta fossilt kol i svensk järn- och stålindustri (mailchi.mp)

Stay in touch!

2021 Bio4Energy Annual Report Is Out

This is the release of the Bio4Energy Annual Report for 2021.

It gives an overview of the research and development conducted on the seven Bio4Energy Research and Development Platforms.

It hints at the work of the Bio4Energy PhD students, by listing the topics for and names of those who successfully defended their thesis, at the end of their PhD project.

It shows which research teams won a special acknowledgement, in the section for Awards and Commissions of Trust.

There is a section for Media and Outreach.

Last but not least, the Bio4Energy Advisory Board is profiled. It is made up of key people for the bio-based sector in Sweden. It serves to guide the Bio4Energy Board and programme managers, in their efforts to make the research environment useful not only to itself, but also to the sector.