
Algae production at Dåva, Umeå, Sweden. Photo by courtesy of Francesco Gentili.

New Projects Supported by Bio4Energy Strategic Funds

Twenty per cent of all funding to Bio4Energy is set aside as…
Season Greeting from Bio4Energy. Collage and photos by Anna Strom ©2022.©AnnaStrom

Season’s Greetings from Bio4Energy

Bio4Energy wants to wish its members and followers a Merry…
Dimitris Athanassiadis, Bio4Energy Systems Analysis and Bioeconomy, is new coordinator of the Graduate School.©AnnaStrom

New Coordinator for Graduate School: Course Starts in 2024

The Bio4Energy Graduate School, with flagship training on biorefinery…
Most plastics are made from petrochemicals. Could they be recycled using a bio-based process? Photo by ©Anna Strom.©Anna Strom

Recycling of Plastics and Forest Management Under Loup in New Projects

While a part of the research community is trying to develop…
LACCASE lignin encoding in plants could be used to make them resilient to drought and strong winds. Photos by Stockholm University affiliates.Stockholm University/Edouard Pesquet

Plants Adapt their Lignin Using Chemical ‘Encoding’ Enzymes, New Report Suggests

Bio4Energy Associated Member Edouard Pesquet, previously…
Researchers Jonas Hedlund and Sofie Zätterqvist have won Luleå University of Technology's award Innovator of the Year 2022.LTU

Innovation Award for R&D on Biogas Separation Technology to Bio4Energy Researcher

A Bio4Energy research leader has been appointed Innovator…
Bio4Energy scientists have won funds for three multi-annual research projects, from the Swedish Research Council. Photo by Anna Strom ©2022 (Archives).©AnnaStrom

Plastic Waste, Carbon Nano Materials, Photothermal Imaging in New Research Projects

Bio4Energy researchers have won funds from the Swedish…
Naser Tavajohi shows a module for an artificial membrane, at one of his research laboratories at Umeå University, Sweden. Photo by Anna Strom ©2022.©AnnaStrom

Young Researcher Wins Prize for Development of Sustainable Artificial Membranes

He wants to make environmentally friendly, artificial membranes…
Plant scientist Rosario García-Gil received a "medal" for her contribution to science and collaborations. Photo by courtesy of Rosario Garcìa-Gil.

Bio4Energy Researcher Awarded Medal for ‘Exceptional Contribution’

Bio4Energy researcher Rosario García-Gil has been awarded a…


Anna Strom 2022

Bio4Energy Advisory Board Biannual Meeting

The theme for the day will be applications for biocarbon, metallurgic…
BIC 2022

BIC Matchmaking Event

Professor Carlos Martín Medina of Bio4Energy Biopolymers and…
Luleå University of Technology

Bio4Energy Thesis Defence

Thesis title: Particle dynamics during biomass devolatilisation: Momentum…

BioInnovations Generalförsamling och Programkonferens

Den 9 juni ser vi fram emot att välkomna dig till årets Programkonferens…
Bio4Energy ©2022

Bio4Energy Researchers’ Meeting

We are delighted to invite the Bio4Energy researchers and students…
iStock by Getty Images

Bio4Energy Thesis Defence

Thesis title: Particle dynamics during biomass devolatilisation: Momentum…

Biorefinery Pilot Research: Course Start

The 2022 Edition of Biorefinery Pilot Research, one of two generic…


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