Entries by appdev.its


Reyes Forsberg D.C., Stridh K., de Wit P.P., Sundman O. Is there a diffusion of alkali in the activation of dissolving cellulose pulp at low NAOH stoichiometric excess?. 2019. Cellulose. 26. 2. 1297-1308. 10.1007/s10570-018-2104-9.


Kozyatnyk I., Latham K.G., Jansson S. Valorization of Humic Acids by Hydrothermal Conversion into Carbonaceous Materials: Physical and Functional Properties. 2019. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 7. 2. 2585-2592. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05614.


Buss W., Jansson S., Mašek O. Unexplored potential of novel biochar-ash composites for use as organo-mineral fertilizers. 2019. Journal of Cleaner Production. 208. 960-967. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.189.


Sandberg E., Toffolo A., Krook-Riekkola A. A bottom-up study of biomass and electricity use in a fossil free Swedish industry. 2019. Energy. 167. 1019-1030. 10.1016/j.energy.2018.11.065.


Sciuto C., Geladi P., La Rosa L., Linderholm J., Thyrel M. Hyperspectral Imaging for Characterization of Lithic Raw Materials: The Case of a Mesolithic Dwelling in Northern Sweden. 2019. Lithic Technology. 44. 1. 22-35. 10.1080/01977261.2018.1543105.


Olofsson E. Regional effects of a green steel industry–fuel substitution and feedstock competition. 2019. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 34. 1. 39-52. 10.1080/02827581.2018.1543445.


Mesfun S., Matsakas L., Rova U., Christakopoulos P. Technoeconomic assessment of hybrid organosolv-steam explosion pretreatment of woody biomass. 2019. Energies. 12. 21. en12214206. 10.3390/en12214206.


Kloth K.J., Abreu I.N., Delhomme N., Petrík I., Villard C., Ström C., Amini F., Novák O., Moritz T., Albrectsen B.R. PECTIN AceTyLeSTerase9 affects the transcriptome and metabolome and delays aphid feeding. 2019. Plant Physiology. 181. 4. 1704-1720. 10.1104/pp.19.00635.


Khokarale S.G., Mikkola J.-P. Metal free synthesis of ethylene and propylene carbonate from alkylene halohydrin and CO2 at room temperature. 2019. RSC Advances. 9. 58. 34023-34031. 10.1039/c9ra06765e.


Sepman A., Ögren Y., Qu Z., Wiinikka H., Schmidt F.M. Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy diagnostics of potassium, carbon monoxide, and soot in oxygen-enriched biomass combustion close to stoichiometry. 2019. Energy and Fuels. . 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02257.