Entries by appdev.its


Patel A., Karageorgou D., Rova E., Katapodis P., Rova U., Christakopoulos P., Matsakas L. An overview of potential oleaginous microorganisms and their role in biodiesel and omega-3 fatty acid-based industries. 2020. Microorganisms. 8. 3. 434. 10.3390/microorganisms8030434.


Singh S., Patel M., Schwendemann D., Zaccone M., Geng S., Maspoch M.L., Oksman K. Effect of chitin nanocrystals on crystallization and properties of poly(lactic acid)-based nanocomposites. 2020. Polymers. 12. 3. 726. 10.3390/polym12030726.


Saeid S., Kråkström M., Tolvanen P., Kumar N., Eränen K., Mikkola J.-P., Kronberg L., Eklund P., Aho A., Palonen H., Perula M., Shchukarev A., Salmi T. Pt modified heterogeneous catalysts combined with ozonation for the removal of diclofenac from aqueous solutions and the fate of by-products. 2020. Catalysts. 10. 3. 322. 10.3390/catal10030322.


Wang J., Street N.R., Park E.-J., Liu J., Ingvarsson P.K. Evidence for widespread selection in shaping the genomic landscape during speciation of Populus. 2020. Molecular Ecology. 29. 6. 1120-1136. 10.1111/mec.15388.


Ismail N., Venault A., Mikkola J.-P., Bouyer D., Drioli E., Tavajohi Hassan Kiadeh N. Investigating the potential of membranes formed by the vapor induced phase separation process. 2020. Journal of Membrane Science. 597. 117601. 10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117601.


Wei J., Geng S., Hedlund J., Oksman K. Lightweight, flexible, and multifunctional anisotropic nanocellulose-based aerogels for CO2 adsorption. 2020. Cellulose. 27. 5. 2695-2707. 10.1007/s10570-019-02935-7.


Zhang B., Sztojka B., Escamez S., Vanholme R., Hedenström M., Wang Y., Turumtay H., Gorzsás A., Boerjan W., Tuominen H. PIRIN2 suppresses S-type lignin accumulation in a noncell-autonomous manner in Arabidopsis xylem elements. 2020. New Phytologist. 225. 5. 1923-1935. 10.1111/nph.16271.


Sefidari H., Ma C., Fredriksson C., Lindblom B., Wiinikka H., Nordin L.O., Wu G., Yazhenskikh E., Müller M., Öhman M. The effect of co-firing coal and woody biomass upon the slagging/deposition tendency in iron-ore pelletizing grate-kiln plants. 2020. Fuel Processing Technology. 199. 106254. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.106254.


Alonso-Serra J., Shi X., Peaucelle A., Rastas P., Bourdon M., Immanen J., Takahashi J., Koivula H., Eswaran G., Muranen S., Help H., Smolander O.-P., Su C., Safronov O., Gerber L., Salojärvi J., Hagqvist R., Mähönen A.P., Helariutta Y., Nieminen K. ELIMÄKI Locus Is Required for Vertical Proprioceptive Response in Birch Trees. 2020. Current Biology. 30. […]


Rebbling A., Sundberg P., Fagerström J., Carlborg M., Tullin C., Boström D., Öhman M., Boman C., Skoglund N. Demonstrating Fuel Design to Reduce Particulate Emissions and Control Slagging in Industrial-Scale Grate Combustion of Woody Biomass. 2020. Energy and Fuels. 34. 2. 2574-2583. 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b03935.