Entries by appdev.its


Mesfun S., Lundgren J., Toffolo A., Lindbergh G., Lagergren C., Engvall K. Integration of an electrolysis unit for producer gas conditioning in a bio-synthetic natural gas plant. 2019. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 141. 1. 012002. 10.1115/1.4040942.


Patel A., Antonopoulou I., Enman J., Rova U., Christakopoulos P., Matsakas L. Lipids detection and quantification in oleaginous microorganisms: an overview of the current state of the art. 2019. BMC Chemical Engineering. 1. 1. 13. 10.1186/s42480-019-0013-9.


Wiinikka H., Sepman A., Ögren Y., Lindblom B., Nordin L.-O. Combustion Evaluation of Renewable Fuels for Iron-Ore Pellet Induration. 2019. Energy Fuels. 33. 8. 7819-7829. 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b01356.


Patrizio P., Leduc S., Kraxner F., Fuss S., Kindermann G., Mesfun S., Spokas K., Mendoza A., Mac Dowell N., Wetterlund E., Lundgren J., Dotzauer E., Yowargana P., Obersteiner M. Reducing US Coal Emissions Can Boost Employment. 2018. Joule. 2. 12. 2633-2648. 10.1016/j.joule.2018.10.004.


Chen Z.-Q., Baison J., Pan J., Karlsson B., Andersson B., Westin J., García-Gil M.R., Wu H.X. Accuracy of genomic selection for growth and wood quality traits in two control-pollinated progeny trials using exome capture as the genotyping platform in Norway spruce. 2018. BMC Genomics. 19. 1. 946. 10.1186/s12864-018-5256-y.


Carvalho L., Furusjö E., Ma C., Ji X., Lundgren J., Hedlund J., Grahn M., Öhrman O.G.W., Wetterlund E. Alkali enhanced biomass gasification with in situ S capture and a novel syngas cleaning. Part 2: Techno-economic assessment. 2018. Energy. 165. 471-482. 10.1016/j.energy.2018.09.159.


Chen G., Wu G., Alriksson B., Chen L., Wang W., Jönsson L.J., Hong F.F. Scale-up of production of bacterial nanocellulose using submerged cultivation. 2018. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 93. 12. 3418-3427. 10.1002/jctb.5699.


Ouraich I., Wetterlund E., Forsell N., Lundmark R. A spatial-explicit price impact analysis of increased biofuel production on forest feedstock markets: A scenario analysis for Sweden. 2018. Biomass and Bioenergy. 119. 364-380. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.09.029.


Mesfun S., Leduc S., Patrizio P., Wetterlund E., Mendoza-Ponce A., Lammens T., Staritsky I., Elbersen B., Lundgren J., Kraxner F. Spatio-temporal assessment of integrating intermittent electricity in the EU and Western Balkans power sector under ambitious CO2 emission policies. 2018. Energy. 164. 676-693. 10.1016/j.energy.2018.09.034.


Ögren Y., Gullberg M., Wennebro J., Sepman A., Tóth P., Wiinikka H. Influence of oxidizer injection angle on the entrained flow gasification of torrefied wood powder. 2018. Fuel Processing Technology. 181. 8-17. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2018.09.005.