Entries by appdev.its


Giacomello S., Delhomme N., Niittylä T., Tuominen H., Street N.R. High spatial resolution profiling in tree species. 2019. Annual Plant Reviews Online. 2. 1. 329-359. 10.1002/9781119312994.apr0688.


Lage S., Kudahettige N.P., Ferro L., Matsakas L., Funk C., Rova U., Gentili F.G. Microalgae cultivation for the biotransformation of birch wood hydrolysate and dairy effluent. 2019. Catalysts. 9. 2. 150. 10.3390/catal9020150.


Frishammar J., Söderholm P., Hellsmark H., Mossberg J. A knowledge-based perspective on system weaknesses in technological innovation systems. 2019. Science and Public Policy. 46. 1. 55-70. 10.1093/scipol/scy037.


Xiong S., Martín C., Eilertsen L., Wei M., Myronycheva O., Larsson S.H., Lestander T.A., Atterhem L., Jönsson L.J. Energy-efficient substrate pasteurisation for combined production of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) and bioethanol. 2019. Bioresource Technology. 274. 65-72. 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.11.071.


Upadhyayula V.K.K., Parvatker A.G., Baroth A., Shanmugam K. Lightweighting and electrification strategies for improving environmental performance of passenger cars in India by 2030: A critical perspective based on life cycle assessment. 2019. Journal of Cleaner Production. 209. 1604-1613. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.153.


Matsakas L., Raghavendran V., Yakimenko O., Persson G., Olsson E., Rova U., Olsson L., Christakopoulos P. Lignin-first biomass fractionation using a hybrid organosolv – Steam explosion pretreatment technology improves the saccharification and fermentability of spruce biomass. 2019. Bioresource Technology. 273. 521-528. 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.11.055.


Sciuto C., Allios D., Bendoula R., Cocoual A., Gardel M.-E., Geladi P., Gobrecht A., Gorretta N., Guermeur N., Jay S., Linderholm J., Thyrel M. Characterization of building materials by means of spectral remote sensing: The example of Carcassonne’s defensive wall (Aude, France). 2019. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 23. 396-405. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.10.030.


Tóth P., Ögren Y., Sepman A., Vikström T., Gren P., Wiinikka H. Spray combustion of biomass fast pyrolysis oil: Experiments and modeling. 2019. Fuel. 237. 580-591. 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.10.031.


Samikannu A., Konwar L.J., Mäki-Arvela P., Mikkola J.-P. Renewable N-doped active carbons as efficient catalysts for direct synthesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides and CO2. 2019. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 241. 41-51. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.09.019.


Hadi Jafari P., Misiulia D., Hellström J.G.I., Gebart B.R. Modeling of Particle-Laden Cold Flow in a Cyclone Gasifier. 2019. Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 141. 2. 021302. 10.1115/1.4040929.