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Adu C., Rahatekar S., Filby J., Ayre D., Jolly M. Structural packaging foams prepared by uni-directional freezing of paper sludge cellulose nanofibres and poly (vinyl alcohol). 2019. Materials Letters. 253. 242-245. 10.1016/j.matlet.2019.06.050.


Lu C., Vieira F.S., Schmidt F.M., Foltynowicz A. Time-resolved continuous-filtering Vernier spectroscopy of H2O and OH radical in a flame. 2019. Optics Express. 27. 21. 29521-29533. 10.1364/OE.27.029521.


Timmerfors J.G., Jönsson L.J. Evaluation of novel drum chipper technology: Pilot-scale production of short wood chips. 2019. Tappi Journal. 18. 10. 585-592. 10.32964/tj18.10.585.


Chen Z.-Q., Baison J., Pan J., Westin J., Gil M.R.G., Wu H.X. Increased prediction ability in norway spruce trials using a marker X environment interaction and non-additive genomic selection model. 2019. Journal of Heredity. 110. 7. 830-843. 10.1093/jhered/esz061.


Baison J., Vidalis A., Zhou L., Chen Z.-Q., Li Z., Sillanpää M.J., Bernhardsson C., Scofield D., Forsberg N., Grahn T., Olsson L., Karlsson B., Wu H., Ingvarsson P.K., Lundqvist S.-O., Niittylä T., García-Gil M.R. Genome-wide association study identified novel candidate loci affecting wood formation in Norway spruce. 2019. Plant Journal. 100. 1. 83-100. 10.1111/tpj.14429.


Bonner M.T., Castro D., Schneider A.N., Sundström G., Hurry V., Street N.R., Näsholm T. Why does nitrogen addition to forest soils inhibit decomposition?. 2019. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 137. 107570. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107570.


Herzog S.D., Conrad S., Ingri J., Persson P., Kritzberg E.S. Spring flood induced shifts in Fe speciation and fate at increased salinity. 2019. Applied Geochemistry. 109. 104385. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.104385.


Cai J., Jiang L., Wei H., Wang C., Yu L., Zhang L. Preparation of carbon/cobalt composite from phenolic resin and ZIF-67 for efficient tannic acid adsorption. 2019. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 287. 9-17. 10.1016/j.micromeso.2019.05.046.


Grimm A., Etula J., Salh R., Kalén G., Segerström M., Brücher J., Söderberg C., Soukup D., Pfeifer C., Larsson S.H. Slagging and fouling characteristics during co-combustion of Scots pine bark with low-temperature dried pulp and paper mill chemical sludge. 2019. Fuel Processing Technology. 193. 282-294. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.05.019.


Sefidari H., Wiinikka H., Lindblom B., Nordin L.O., Wu G., Yazhenskikh E., Müller M., Ma C., Öhman M. Comparison of high-rank coals with respect to slagging/deposition tendency at the transfer-chute of iron-ore pelletizing grate-kiln plants: A pilot-scale experimental study accompanied by thermochemical equilibrium modeling and viscosity estimations. 2019. Fuel Processing Technology. 193. 244-262. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.05.026.