Entries by appdev.its


Berg S., Athanassiadis D. Opportunity cost of several methods for determining forest biomass terminal locations in Northern Sweden. 2020. International Journal of Forest Engineering. 31. 1. 37-50. 10.1080/14942119.2019.1616424.


Khokarale S.G., Bui Thai Q., Mikkola J.-P. One-Pot, Metal-Free Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate from CO2 at Room Temperature. 2020. Sustainable Chemistry. 1. 3. 314. 10.3390/suschem1030020.


Söderholm P. The green economy transition: the challenges of technological change for sustainability. 2020. Sustainable Earth. 3. 1. 6. 10.1186/s42055-020-00029-y.


Zannagui C., Amhamdi H., Barkany S. El, Jilal I., Sundman O., Salhi A., Chaouf S., Abou-Salama M., Idrissi A. El, Zaghrioui M. Design, Characterization and Investigation of Heavy Metal Ions Removal by New Cellulose-Ether Based adsorbent. 2020. Moroccan Journal of Chemistry. 8. 1. 332-346. 10.48317/IMIST.PRSM/morjchem-v8i1.18514.


Wei J., Geng S., Kumar M., Pitkänen O., Hietala M., Oksman K. Investigation of Structure and Chemical Composition of Carbon Nanofibers Developed From Renewable Precursor. 2019. Frontiers in Materials. 6. 334. 10.3389/fmats.2019.00334.


Conrad S., Löfgren S., Bauer S., Ingri J. Seasonal Variations of Redox State in Hemiboreal Soils Indicated by Changes of δ56Fe, Sulfate, and Nitrate in Headwater Streams. 2019. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 3. 12. 2816-2823. 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00237.


Sullivan A.R., Eldfjell Y., Schiffthaler B., Delhomme N., Asp T., Hebelstrup K.H., Keech O., Öberg L., Møller I.M., Arvestad L., Street N.R., Wang X.-R. The Mitogenome of Norway Spruce and a Reappraisal of Mitochondrial Recombination in Plants. 2019. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12. 1. 3586-3598. 10.1093/gbe/evz263.


Shanmugam K., Jansson S., Gadhamshetty V., Matsakas L., Rova U., Tysklind M., Christakopoulos P., Upadhyayula V.K.K. Ecoefficiency of Thermal Insulation Sandwich Panels Based on Fly Ash Modified with Colloidal Mesoporous Silica. 2019. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 7. 24. 20000-20012. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b05726.


Karnaouri A., Matsakas L., Krikigianni E., Rova U., Christakopoulos P. Valorization of waste forest biomass toward the production of cello-oligosaccharides with potential prebiotic activity by utilizing customized enzyme cocktails. 2019. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 12. 1. 285. 10.1186/s13068-019-1628-z.


Bryngemark E. Second generation biofuels and the competition for forest raw materials: A partial equilibrium analysis of Sweden. 2019. Forest Policy and Economics. 109. 102022. 10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102022.