Entries by appdev.its


Ilanidis D., Stagge S., Jönsson L.J., Martín C. Hydrothermal pretreatment of wheat straw: Effects of temperature and acidity on byproduct formation and inhibition of enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanolic fermentation. 2021. Agronomy. 11. 3. 487. 10.3390/agronomy11030487.


Thomas B., Geng S., Sain M., Oksman K. Hetero-porous, high-surface area green carbon aerogels for the next-generation energy storage applications. 2021. Nanomaterials. 11. 3. 653. 1-19. 10.3390/nano11030653.


Li F., Mocci F., Zhang X., Ji X., Laaksonen A. Ionic liquids for CO2 electrochemical reduction. 2021. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 31. 75-93. 10.1016/j.cjche.2020.10.029.


Dai Z., Chen Y., Liu C., Lu X., Liu Y., Ji X. Prediction and verification of heat capacities for pure ionic liquids. 2021. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 31. 169-176. 10.1016/j.cjche.2020.10.040.


Salehi H., Karde V., Hajmohammadi H., Dissanayake S., Larsson S.H., Heng J.Y.Y., Bradley M. Understanding flow properties of mannitol powder at a range of temperature and humidity. 2021. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 596. 120244. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120244.


Wiinikka H., Hage F.S., Ramasse Q.M., Toth P. Spatial distribution of metallic heteroatoms in soot nanostructure mapped by aberration-corrected STEM-EELS. 2021. Carbon. 173. 953-967. 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.12.004.


Paulsen Thoresen P., Lange H., Crestini C., Rova U., Matsakas L., Christakopoulos P. Characterization of Organosolv Birch Lignins: Toward Application-Specific Lignin Production. 2021. ACS Omega. 6. 6. 4374-4385. 10.1021/acsomega.0c05719.


Oliver-Ortega H., Geng S., Espinach F.X., Oksman K., Vilaseca F. Bacterial cellulose network from kombucha fermentation impregnated with emulsion-polymerized poly(Methyl methacrylate) to form nanocomposite. 2021. Polymers. 13. 4. 664. 1-17. 10.3390/polym13040664.


Lundmark R., Lundgren T., Olofsson E., Zhou W. Meeting challenges in forestry: Improving performance and competitiveness. 2021. Forests. 12. 2. 208. 1-20. 10.3390/f12020208.


Nissilä T., Wei J., Geng S., Teleman A., Oksman K. Ice-templated cellulose nanofiber filaments as a reinforcement material in epoxy composites. 2021. Nanomaterials. 11. 2. 490. 1-15. 10.3390/nano11020490.