Entries by appdev.its


Li X., Wu H.X., Southerton S.G. Identification of putative candidate genes for juvenile wood density in Pinus radiata. 2012. Tree Physiology. 32. 8. 1046-1057. 10.1093/treephys/tps060.


Grimm A., Öhman M., Lindberg T., Fredriksson A., Boström D. Bed agglomeration characteristics in fluidized-bed combustion of biomass fuels using olivine as bed material. 2012. Energy and Fuels. 26. 7. 4550-4559. 10.1021/ef300569n.


Messinger J. An institutional approach to solar fuels research. 2012. Australian Journal of Chemistry. 65. 6. 573-576. 10.1071/CH12020.


Lundmark R., Shahrammehr S. Armington Elasticities and Induced Industrial Roundwood Specialization in Europe. 2012. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 4. 3. 161-170. 10.1080/19390459.2012.693789.


Khalil R.A., Todorovic D., Skreiberg Ø., Becidan M., Backman R., Goile F., Skreiberg A., Sørum L. The effect of kaolin on the combustion of demolition wood under well-controlled conditions. 2012. Waste Management and Research. 30. 7. 672-680. 10.1177/0734242X11427942.


Abrahamsson S., Nilsson J.-E., Wu H., García Gil M.R., Andersson B. Inheritance of height growth and autumn cold hardiness based on two generations of full-sib and half-sib families of Pinus sylvestris. 2012. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 27. 5. 405-413. 10.1080/02827581.2012.663403.


Pettersson F., Söderholm P., Lundmark R. Fuel switching and climate and energy policies in the European power generation sector: A generalized Leontief model. 2012. Energy Economics. 34. 4. 1064-1073. 10.1016/j.eneco.2011.09.001.


Lam P.S., Sokhansanj S., Bi X.T., Lim C.J., Larsson S.H. Drying characteristics and equilibrium moisture content of steam-treated Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii L.). 2012. Bioresource Technology. 116. 396-402. 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.03.093.


Díaz-Ramírez M., Boman C., Sebastián F., Royo J., Xiong S., Boström D. Ash characterization and transformation behavior of the fixed-bed combustion of novel crops: Poplar, brassica, and cassava fuels. 2012. Energy and Fuels. 26. 6. 3218-3229. 10.1021/ef2018622.


Jun H., Kieselbach T., Jönsson L.J. Comparative proteome analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A global overview of in vivo targets of the yeast activator protein 1. 2012. BMC Genomics. 13. 1. 230. 10.1186/1471-2164-13-230.