Mahboubi A., Ratke C., Gorzsás A., Kumar M., Mellerowicz E.J., Niittylä T. Aspen SUCROSE TRANSPORTER3 allocates carbon into wood fibers. 2013. Plant Physiology. 163. 4. 1729-1740. 10.1104/pp.113.227603.
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Mahboubi A., Ratke C., Gorzsás A., Kumar M., Mellerowicz E.J., Niittylä T. Aspen SUCROSE TRANSPORTER3 allocates carbon into wood fibers. 2013. Plant Physiology. 163. 4. 1729-1740. 10.1104/pp.113.227603.
Soudham V.P., Gräsvik J., Alriksson B., Mikkola J.-P., Jönsson L.J. Enzymatic hydrolysis of Norway spruce and sugarcane bagasse after treatment with 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium formate. 2013. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 88. 12. 2209-2215. 10.1002/jctb.4089.
Ma C., Weiland F., Hedman H., Boström D., Backman R., Öhman M. Characterization of reactor ash deposits from pilot-scale pressurized entrained-flow gasification of woody biomass. 2013. Energy and Fuels. 27. 11. 6801-6814. 10.1021/ef401591a.
Skoglund N., Grimm A., Öhman M., Boström D. Effects on ash chemistry when co-firing municipal sewage sludge and wheat straw in a fluidized bed: Influence on the ash chemistry by fuel mixing. 2013. Energy and Fuels. 27. 10. 5725-5732. 10.1021/ef401197q.
Hagman H., Backman R., Boström D. Co-combustion of animal waste, peat, waste wood, forest residues, and industrial sludge in a 50 MWth circulating fluidized-bed boiler: Ash transformation, ash/deposit characteristics, and boiler failures. 2013. Energy and Fuels. 27. 10. 5617-5627. 10.1021/ef400542h.
Hagman H., Backman R., Boström D. Effects on a 50 MWth circulating fluidized-bed boiler co-firing animal waste, sludge, residue wood, peat, and forest fuels. 2013. Energy and Fuels. 27. 10. 6146-6158. 10.1021/ef4004522.
Guo X., Cavka A., Jönsson L.J., Hong F. Comparison of methods for detoxification of spruce hydrolysate for bacterial cellulose production. 2013. Microbial Cell Factories. 12. 1. 93. 10.1186/1475-2859-12-93.
Vahala J., Felten J., Love J., Gorzsás A., Gerber L., Lamminmäki A., Kangasjärvi J., Sundberg B. A genome-wide screen for ethylene-induced Ethylene Response Factors (ERFs) in hybrid aspen stem identifies ERF genes that modify stem growth and wood properties. 2013. New Phytologist. 200. 2. 511-522. 10.1111/nph.12386.
Zhou M., Rownaghi A.A., Hedlund J. Synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolite crystals by conventional hydrothermal treatment. 2013. RSC Advances. 3. 36. 15596-15599. 10.1039/c3ra42199f.
Amer E., Gren P., Sjödahl M. Stimulated laser induced fluorescence holography for imaging fluorescent species. 2013. Optics Communications. 311. 124-128. 10.1016/j.optcom.2013.08.056.
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